In-Law Suite, Green St.

This very active Owner wanted to Age-In-Place in the home where she raised her family. Her son's family would move into the original 1800's farmhouse and she would live in the new In-Law Suite Addition. She did not need a full kitchen, but wanted the suite to include living, bedroom and outdoor spaces. Accessibility while not needed was planned for future years.
Beth's solution was to anchor the Owner's new living space to the cherished farmhouse by use of a stone wall. She oriented the Addition to provide natural sunlight for the Suite and renovated Kitchen.
The Suite was designed with a kitchenette and sunny covered porch, and a living space that provides ample room for grandchildren and friends' visits. The Suite's Entry has a private front door and secure entry to the original kitchen. Everything is accessible on one floor with no steps and the bathroom is also designed for aging in place.
The In-Law Suite at Green St. is one of many thoughtful, user friendly designs that Beth has provided for clients choosing to add an In-Law Suite or age in place.

The Addition was designed to save the oak tree to the right and the southern windows in the Kitchen.

The existing exterior stone creates a familiar link between the new suite and house. A niche was designed into the thick stone walls where a window was removed.

The New Entry allows for a personal front door and includes a secure, family connection into the home's original kitchen just inside.